Thursday, November 22, 2012

Do it your way..

Well's such a long time  that I did not update this blog. To say I'm quite busy this few weeks is not true. Sometimes laziness crept in without you realizing it. But perhaps I'm not that lazy as you may think.....
Actually..there are endless stories to tell..but sometimes I tend to forget as I was lazy enough to carry any notebook to jot down anything.....
Next time I will remember to always carry a notebook around in  case  there are some stories or happenings to jot down and forward to my blog.
It's quite  fast  that  the  school holidays are here  time  flies....year end is coming though..
and then it's the same year end resolutions again...but I don't believe in making any resolutions as I've always failed to do so.
Anyway..I'm still working in a job that I hate but also helps me to survive before I really wanted to be independent and not ever to work with anyone more salaried job...making someone RICH by sucking your blood away and with all  those office-politics to bear get me sick thinking of it.... has to go on.....but one day I know that I will be independent and do my own thing.
Who knows perhaps one day I may get paid by blogging..hehe..dream on...
Life will be beautiful when you  gain something by doing what you love most. I love to write and draw cartoons and comics. Only time will tell of when I will succeed. But I still believe in dreams and always think of positive things to come my way.
In the meantime...get on with life and enjoy what I'm doing now even though I still hate what I'm doing right now. Patience pays as they say.
There is still a rainbow after the rain. I believe that the meadow of hope is beyond the horizon where I can get to do things my own way....